We would like to thank the following individuals for giving up their time to support both our magazine and the local community. If you would like to help in any capacity then please let us know!
Committee Members
- Claire Norris (Official photographer)
- Elspeth Graham (Features, events)
- Gail Cullum (Production)
- John Atkinson (Treasurer, Content)
- John Graham (Features)
- Kate Crowther (Features, Events)
- Simon Cullum (Advertising)
Roving Reporters
- - vacancy -
Regular Contributors
- Alison Shearer (St Nicholas School)
- Anna Swinburn (Explorers' playgroup)
- Caroline Rowland (Local History)
- Carolyn Nichols (Village Hall and Open Spaces)
- Christine Steel (Parish Enhancement Group)
- Gail Cullum (Book club, Loose Ends)
- Jane Jeanes (Brownies, church flowers)
- Jenny Bartholomew (Recipes)
- Ken Courtenay (Parish Council)
- Ken Jeanes (Bees)
- Peter Oswick (Lions)
- Rev Kevin Rogers (Church matters)
- Ros Browning (Cameo, Line Dancing)
- Steve Burrows (Events, WAG)
- Steve Penny (Sports Club Committee)
- Sue Latimer (WI)
- Susan Kidd (Gardening, U3A)
Occasional Contributors
- Jane Rose (Youth Club)
- Jenny Bates (Church Issues)
- Liz Holbrook (Art Group)
- Roger Farnsworth (Bell Ringing)
- Simon Cullum
- Sue Place (Community issues)
- Chris Williams
- Dennis and Karen Finch
- George and Ellen Edwards
- Gill Eagan
- Heather Young
- Jane Jeanes
- John and Linda Atkinson
- John Clark
- John Young
- Keith and Jenny Bates
- Linda Jones
- Liz Holbrook
- Pat Furzey (Co-ordinator)
- Shay and Terry Cornford
- Sue Deards
- Val and Rob Howlett
- Wendy Collins
Previous Supporters
- Allen Rainford (Gardening)
- Andrew Simpson
- Ann Frost (Arts and Crafts, Message in a Bottle)
- Audrey and Chris Russell (Distribution)
- Barbara Crisp (U3A)
- Bill Tolley (Distribution)
- Bob and Liz Tranter (Distribution)
- Bridget Hallett (Everything!)
- Cherry Shephard (Art Group)
- Chris Savage (Village Hall)
- Cliff Frost
- Daphne Rowland (Distribution)
- David Rabone (Loose Ends)
- Derek Biddiscombe (Football)
- Emma Curtis (Parish Council clerk)
- Felicity Bailey (Village Agent)
- Gerald French (Editor and producer)
- Helen Howlett (Gardening)
- Ian Treece (Parish Clerk)
- Jack Wilkins (Cub Reporter)
- Jean Lindley (U3A)
- Jim Ackland (Village Hall)
- John Blackman (Bell Ringing)
- John Edwards (Production team)
- Judith Rabone (Book Club)
- Linda Farnsworth (Family History)
- Lynda Elliott (Distribution)
- Lynn Metcalf (Arts and Crafts)
- Margaret Hunt (WI, Family History)
- Margaret Marston (WI)
- Martin and Margaret Ridgewell (Distribution)
- Mary Dyer (Distribution)
- Matt Fryer (Cricket)
- Maureen Dimishky (Gardening)
- Michael Smith (Distribution)
- Patricia Thompson (Quiet Corner Farm)
- Patrick Wood (History)
- Paul Dimishky (Distribution, Advertising)
- Rev Peter Hallett (Church matters)
- Ron Smith (Aviation)
- Ron Valentine (Footpaths)
- Roy and Betty Schofield (Distribution)
- Simone Sekers (Recipes)
- Tim Russell (Police report)
- Victoria de Villiers (Youth Club)
- Zöe Godden (Parish Council clerk)